A lot of people across the world suffer with an immune system that can't distinguish between healthy cells invader bacteria, and diseases. Instead of protecting themselves against disease the organs and tissues are attacked by these same defenses.
International research is being undertaken to combat the growing trend. This includes a project at London's Francis Crick Institute where two world experts, James Lee, and Carola Vinuesa have established separate research groups that will determine the root causes of autoimmune diseases.
Numbers of autoimmune cases increased about 40 years ago in the west, Lee told the Observer. But, the diseases are now showing up in countries that have never seen them before.
For example for instance, the Middle East and East Asia are the areas with the highest percentage of cases of inflammatory intestinal disease. The people there had never heard of the disease before.
Type 1 diabetes is often caused by rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Each case is different. In each instance the immune system crosses its wires and turns on healthy tissue rather than infectious agents.
At least four million people living in the UK have suffered from these conditions. Other people may have more than one. It is estimated that autoimmune conditions increase by anywhere from three to nine percent every year around the world. Numerous researchers believe that environmental factors play the major role in this rise.
Lee who worked previously in Cambridge University, said that the human genetics of humans has not changed over the last few decades. Something is happening outside that is increasing the risk of developing autoimmune disorders.
Vinuesa an ex-student at the Australian National University, supported this concept. She highlighted changes in diet that were happening as more countries adopted western-style diets and people ate more fast food.
Vinuesa says that many fast-food foods lack important ingredients like fiber. This alteration may affect one's microbiome that is the accumulation of of microorganisms present in our bodies which plays a critical part in regulating various bodily functions.
These changes in our microbiomes trigger the development of autoimmune diseases, of which more than 100 cases have been reported.
Both researchers stressed the fact that each person is susceptible to these illnesses. It includes celiac and Lupus. It causes inflammation, swelling, and can cause harm and even death to many organs, including heart.
Vinuesa explained that autoimmune diseases are not something you can be diagnosed with if you don't have a specific genetic susceptibility. There is no way to stop the proliferation of fast-food outlets all over the world. Instead, we are focusing on the genetic factors that cause autoimmune diseases. We want to know what makes certain individuals more susceptible than others. We are trying to address the issue at the level of."
With the help of modern technology, scientists can now pinpoint small genetic differences among a large number of people. This makes it possible to determine common genetic patterns in individuals suffering from an autoimmune disease.
Lee stated that up until recently we didn't have the tools to analyze DNA. But now, we have this amazing power and it has transformed everything. When I started my research at the time, we had only a glimpse of half of the DNA variants which were linked to the onset of inflammatory intestinal disease. We now have over 250.
Lee and Vinuesa concentrate their efforts on this type of work. They want to learn more about genetic pathway and determine the causes of various diseases they are studying. Vinuesa said there could be multiple versions of certain diseases that are autoimmune, such as Lupus. It is essential to realize that this has consequences in determining the best treatment.
There are many promising therapies that are likely to be beneficial but we don't have the right patients. Actually we do not have the information we need to determine if patients have the same condition. And that is now an important goal of the field of autoimmune research. So that we can deliver the Check out best treatment, we need to be able to group and stratify patients.
Lee said that the increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases across the world meant that new treatment and drugs were urgently required. According to Lee, at present there is no Read More cure for autoimmune disorders. They typically occur in young adults who are trying to complete their education and get a job.
That means growing numbers of people face surgery or will have to have regular injections for the rest of their lives. This could be extremely difficult for patients, and puts stress on the health system. It is urgent to find innovative treatment options that are more efficient and effective.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it's caused by the immune system attacking healthy tissue in the body. It's an unanswered mystery.
Your immune system normally makes antibodies that attack bacteria and viruses, helping to fight infection.
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system is sending antibodies to the lining of your joints which attack the tissues surrounding the joint.
The thin layer (synovium) that covers your joints, can be inflamed and inflamed, releasing chemicals to cause harm.
Cartilage, which is the connective tissue between bones.
Tendons are connective tissue between bone and muscles.
Ligaments - The tissues that connects cartilage to bone
If the problem isn't addressed, it will gradually lead to the loss of alignment and shape. These chemicals could eventually lead to the destruction of the joint in its entirety.
There are many theories on why the immune system attacks joints. One theory is that an infection might trigger. But none of these theories has been proven.
Possible risk factors
There are many things which can increase your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis including:
You could inherit it from your genes. While there are indicators that suggest that rheumatoidarthritis could be passed through families, the chances of getting it are very low since genes play only a small role in the condition.
The condition is more prevalent among women than males. This may be due to estrogen effects, but it isn't proven.
Smoking - Some evidence suggests that smokers are more at risk of developing rheumatoidarthritis.